Remuda/SC Guide

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Starting Remuda/SC

Remuda will start automatically when it is connected to your Fender Super Champ X2 amplifier. Simply connect your Android device to your amplifier using an OTG adapter and your original USB cable. An Android window will pop up asking you whether you want to “Open Remuda” whenever you connect your Amplifier. Say OK. You may also be asked if you want to ALWAYS use Remuda for this device. You may answer this as you see fit.

If you follow the above instructions and you DO NOT see any messages then you are most likely using a device that DOES NOT support USB Host mode OR you have a bad OTG adapter.
Note: OTG adaptors range in price from a few dollars to twenty dollars or more. We recommend getting the OTG adaptor sold by the manufacturer of your device but others have reported no problems using the generic adaptors. Defective OTG adaptors are the most common problem that users report with Remuda. Sometime it is better to spend a bit more money to get a more reliable adaptor than to try to find a working adaptor at a bargain price.

If everything is working then after a few seconds you will be taken to the main screen and shown a list of your current Voices and a separate List of Current F/X selections..
Note: If you are using the clean channel then you will ONLY see the list of F/X Selections.


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Remuda Remote

For those owners with a spare Android device, the connection to the Amplifier can be made using a Bluetooth connection to a second device that is connected to the Amplifier. The second device will be connected to the Amp using the normal OTG Adapter and USB cable. This device will run the Remuda Remote server and will communicate via Bluetooth with Remuda and via USB with the Amplifier. Your main device will be running Remuda and will connect using the built-in Remuda Remote client. Both the Server and the Client are accessed from the action menu. The actions are as follows:

Start Remuda Remote server…

Use this action to start the Remuda Remote server on the device connected to the Amplifier. The server screen offers you the option of setting Remuda to always start the server at App startup. You must have Bluetooth enabled on the device and this device must be paired with any devices that will attempt to connect to the server. Tap on Stop Remuda Remote Server to close the screen and go back to normal operation.

Connect to Remuda Remote server…

Use this command to connect to a device with a running Remuda Remote server. The screen will offer you a list of paired Bluetooth devices to which you can connect. Select the appropriate device and tap on Connect to attempt the connection. If the selected device is too far away OR if it is not running the server you will not be able to connect. You can also configure Remuda to always start up in Client Mode by selecting it from this screen. If a connection is established, you will see a pop up message informing you of that. You can now use Remuda as if it was connected to the Amplifier directly. When you are connected the action menu will change to say, Disconnect from server, and selecting this will return you to normal operation.

Note: Remuda uses Bluetooth at the application level and will drop the connection if a phone call is received OR if the Remuda App is suspended for any reason. Options are provided to automatically restart the Server or Reconnect the client if the connection is lost. A future version of the App may address this behavior.

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F/X Bypass / Lock Buttons

These are the five buttons located at the bottom of the Remuda screen directly below the Effects list. These buttons appear on the main screen only.

Effect Buttons

The first four buttons correspond to the four effect categories available in the Super Champ. These buttons are only active if the selected Voice or F/X Selection has the appropriate effect defined. Pressing an active effect button will toggle the current bypass state of the effect.
Tip:Pressing and holding an effect button will allow you to edit the Effect even if it is not currently assigned to the Voice or F/X Selection

Edit Lock

The “lock” symbol to the right of the Effect buttons will allow you to lock the interface so that you don’t make inadvertent changes to any of the parameters in the current mode. The Editing Lock is provided in Remuda to prevent accidental changes that may occur during a live performance.
Note: Be sure that the Lock button is showing an open lock whenever you want to edit the Voice or F/X Selection. The Effect bypass buttons are always active.

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Main Screen

The main screen shows you all of your Voice and F/X options in their own scrollable lists. The currently selected Voice or F/X is marked with a green indicator. The main screen is where you will do all of your editing of voices and effects.

Select a Voice or F/X

Tap on any of the Voices or F/X Selections to select it. The green indicator lights up and the Voice or F/X is selected on the amplifier. You can also change the Voice or F/X Selection on the amp and the App will update to show the current selection.

Edit a Voice or F/X

To edit a Voice or an F/X Selection you will first select it and then tap it again to edit it. The edit screen will open showing you all of the available options. The Edit Voice and Edit Effect screens are very similar and use a standard set of controls to adjust the various parameters provided in the Super Champ’s DSP models.

Parameter Controls

There are three types of control elements used to display and select parameter values in the Edit screens. Each type is described below

Radio Buttons

This type of control is used whenever a small set of options is available. You cange the parameter by tapping on the desired value. The original value of the parameter is indicated by the use of all CAPITAL letters for the option value. All other choices are shown in lowercase.

Drop-Down List

This control is used when there is a larger selection of options to choose from. The original value for the parameter is shown with a “<“ next to the selection.


The most common control is the slider. These are used to adjust the value of a parameter to a specific numerical value. The slider control incorporates two buttons to either side that will decrease or increase the value by one. Sliders also display a numeric value on the right. This value will turn red when the value is different from the original value.
Tip: You can reset a slider control to its original value by holding your finger on the numeric values display for a second or two.
Note: Certain Voice parameters are only controlled by the on-amp knobs and these parameters will be shown as disabled in the Application. The App will respond to changes you make on the amp but these values are not saved as part of the Voice definition.

Tap Tempo

Certain parameters are time based (either period in miliseconds or frequency in Hertz) and these parameters can be set by tapping the screen to match the tempo of a song. Those items that can be tapped will have a small button at the right showing the current value of the parameter. Simply tap on the button a minimum of three times to set the value.

Voice and F/X Elements

The elements that can be defined in a Voice or F/X Selection are stored separately in the amp. The Voice is defined as an Amplifier Model and an optional Stomp Box type of effect. An F/X Selection consists of up to three optional effect types. These are the Modulation, Delay, and Reverb effects. Both Voice and F/X Selections have a name and multiple adjustable parameters.

Changing the Voice or F/X name

Tap in the name field and enter in the new name. The name can be up to 19 characters long.

Amplifier (voice)

The current amplifier is shown in a drop-down list. Tap this control to select a new amplifier model for this Voice. The parameters in this section will update to show you the available parameters for this type of amplifier. You can collapse or expand the section by tapping on the open/close icon to the right of the selected amplifier model.
Note: In this section the value of the parameters will remain the same for each model of amplifier selected. This allows for an easy A-B comparison of amplifier types.
Note: The amp Gain, Volume, Bass, and Treble controls are disabled in this screen. The disabled controls will track the adjustments that you make on the amp.

Stomp (voice) /Mod/Delay/Reverb (F/X Select)

The four different types of effects are located in their individual sections and are selected independently of each other. The parameters that are displayed in the section are those parameters that are available for the selected effect type. You can collapse or expand the section by tapping on the open/close icon to the right of the selected effect type in any category. If you select “empty” as the type for any effect then it will be disabled and no parameters will be displayed.
Note: When you chnge the type of effect, the initial parameter settings will be based on how you last set up the effect previously. This Parameter Memory makes it easy to try out favorite effect types with the preset.

Saving or Cancelling

Although you can hear the changes to the Voice or F/X as you make them, they will NOT be saved to the amplifier’s memory unless you click on the Save button. Clicking on Save will close the window and return you to the Main screen. If you do NOT want to save your changes, then you can click on the Cancel button to restore the Amplifier to the original settings to the Amplifier.

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This release of Remuda for Super Champ does not have any custom settings but this is the screen where they will go as they are added.

Direct Mode Settings

Start-up Preset

This setting will allow you to set the initial preset on your amplifier anytime that Remuda starts up. Enter the number of the desired preset from 0-99. Mustang I/II users should enter the number from 0-7 for the Amber bank, 8-15 for the Green bank, and 16-23 for the Red bank. Set this value to blank to let your amp determine the intial preset.
Note: The preset will only be selected if your device is connected to the amp when Remuda is started.

Preset Sorting

This option allows you to tell Remuda to sort the Presets by name in the Direct Mode preset list. It does NOT change the actual order of the presets on the amplifier. Select this option to display the Presets in alphabetical order.

Preset Drag and Drop

Presets can be dragged in the Preset list to change the order in which they are stored in the amplifier’s memory. The default method of this operation swaps the two presets. Tap on this option to select the alternate behavior which inserts the dragged preset in front of the preset on which it is dropped. This option is far slower than swapping the presets but you may prefer this behavior.
Note: This option is NOT available when you have selected alphabetical preset sorting.

Performance Mode Settings

Quick Access Presets (MIII/IV/V Only)

Remuda can be instructed to move up to three presets per song to three contiguous slots on the amplifier. This happens when a song is activated. By default no presets are modified in Performance mode. Select this option to turn this behavior on or off.

Quick Access Slots (MIII/IV/V Only)

When Quick Access Preset mapping is enabled, this option will let you select the three preset slots to use for the mapping. You can select either 0,1,2 or 97,98,99. To take full advantage of this you will need to set up your amp to map the Quick Access presets to the same slots as you select in Remuda. This will let you use your footswitch to select the presets. Please see your Mustang manual for instructions on how to accomplish this.
Note: Quick Access Slots are disabled unless the Quick Access Presets option is enabled.

WARNING: Remuda will overwrite the contents of the selected presets when this option is enabled. Remuda attempts to preserve and restore the original contents of these three slots but there are cases where the original content is not restored.

Backup and Restore


You can back up your preset and performance data to the Android file system using the Backup option. The backup will be stored in the Music folder in a folder called remuda/backup. You can give the backup a name of your own choosing. The process reads Preset data directly from the amp and it can take up to a minute to complete the backup. Please be patient. Preset data will NOT be backed up if Remuda is not connected to an amplifier.
Note: You can back up Remuda data on one device and move the file to another Android device and restore it. This will effectively clone the data. You will need to have Remuda installed on both devices.


This option lets you restore a previously saved backup from the Android file system. All backup files must be in the Music folder in a subfolder called remuda/backup. The process reads in the data file and writes it directly to the amplifier. This process can take up to a minute to complete so be patient. Preset data will not be restored if you are not connected to an amplifier.

Application Info


Shows the current version of the Remuda for Super Champ X2 Application.


Shows the build number of the application.

Amp firmware version

This item shows the firmware date reported by the amp to which Remuda is currently connected. If no amp is connected then this information will be blank.

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